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The Ring of Light (TROL) is a fantasy, and it is, as was its creation, an odyssey of imagination: extravagant and unrestrained.
Forged from the inspiration of the two giant literary works of all time; from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) and James Joyce’s Ulysses, TROL has arisen in homage, pale in comparison as it is, to that of these masterpieces.
However, this tribute would not be complete without acknowledging one other, Peter Jackson, whose imagination knew no bounds, and like no other could, brought to the screen the images of LOTR, creating on film the spell-binding world of Middle-earth.
So TROL owes its existence to three towering visionaries: Tolkien, Joyce and Jackson.
It is offered freely to all those who wish to embark on a new Middle-earth journey…
TROL is a fan-fiction pastiche.
It fully acknowledges all characters, places and things of Middle-earth are the intellectual property of J.R.R. Tolkien, the copyright residing with the Tolkien Estate, and in relation to that of the LOTR films, to Jackson and New Line Cinema.
No profit from TROL is sought or planned; no disrespect is intended.
Of original material, TROL retains its rights, and of this, nothing should be reproduced without permission.

✎ ✦ Website under development
The Synthesis of Being (TSOB) is in essence a fantasy – however, it is rooted in the very fundamentals of reality. It straddles, and incorporates elements of, what is recognised as fantasy, magic realism and surrealism, and attempts to evolve its own dimension crossing parallels of imagery and time. It questions accepted philosophies and theories, challenging the ‘knowns’ of the dark energy of the cosmos and that of ‘dark’ (noncoding) DNA.
Forged from the inspiration of two giant literary works, from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and James Joyce’s Ulysses, TSOB acknowledges the gift of saga and imagery to Tolkien and of the glory of expression to Joyce.
TSOB has completed its journey, now it waits for its final mindful refinement. It will be ready for publication in mid 2017. 10 views