Paintings134 views

Original painting of Strider by Jerry Vanderstelt , 2010: 18 x 24 inches (licenced and approved by Warner Bros and New Line Cinema)
Original oil painting of Aragorn by Jason Potratz and Jack Hai, 2009, 15 x 24 inches
Face close-up of original oil painting of Aragorn by Jason Potratz and Jack Hai
Original mixed media painting of Rivendell by Soni Alcorn-Hender, 8 x 6 inches
Original acrylics and mixed media painting of the Vale of Rivendell by Soni Alcorn-Hender, 2012, 8 x 12 inches166 views

Original oil work over 12 sketch cards of the Last Alliance by Jason Potratz and Jack Hai.
Original animation cel by Ralph Bakshi. This rare animation cel setup is original and hand painted. It was used in the 1978 Ralph Bakshi animated film, The Lord of the Rings, part 1. It is: 11" x 13", and comes with a copy of the original animation background from the scene, which has been signed by Ralph.

Original painting by Soni Alcorn-Hender from Tolkien's song: ‘Gil-galad was an Elven king,
Of him the harpers sadly sing.
The last whose realm was fair and free
Between the mountains and the sea.’
The song describes how honourable and glorious Gil-galad was, and how ‘his star fell’ in Mordor: a reference to his death during the Last Alliance when he was killed in battle by Sauron himself.
Drawings96 views

Original pencil drawing of Russ Walks from which the six-card foil etched panel was completed, then cut into six pieces, reproduced for the Masterpieces (MII) I trading card set, and the original coloured cards randomly inserted in MII trading hobby boxes.
Original pencil drawing of Roger Garland's Tolkien Landscape painting , which became the book cover for the three volume of Lord of the Rings, Unwin paperbacks from 1986 to 1989
Original pencil drawing of Roger Garland's Barad-dûr painting, which became the colour illustration for the book cover of the single volume of Tolkien, Lord of the Rings, Unwin paperbacks from 1983 to 1991.
Original pencil drawing of Roger Garland's Muster of Rohan painting, which became the colour illustration for the book cover of Tolkien, the War of the Ring, Grafton/Harper Collins 1992.
Original pencil drawing of Aragorn vs Ringwraiths by Joe Corroney, for the coloured Masterpieces II base card #39, 2008, 11 x 8 inches.
Drew Struzan is an American artist known for his more than 150 movie posters and art, which include Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.
‘Bilbo's Metamorphosis’ is From the Lord of the Rings / set 2, consisting of nine drawings, each signed ‘drew’.
These drawings are finished art for the "Lord of the Rings" Tops Trading Card Set. Medium: Coloured pencils & acrylic paints.
Original bookish (rather than movie-inspired) illustration inspired by Éowyn from Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien by Soni Alcorn-Hender. The actual artwork measures slightly 15x20 cms.
Original bookish (rather than movie-inspired) illustration inspired by Éomer from Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien by Soni Alcorn-Hender. The actual artwork measures15x20 cms.
Sketches for the end credits of LotR parody (to mimic the credits of Return of the King) by Soni Alcorn-Hender: 10.5×7″, graphite.
Specially commissioned painting to match LOTR parody Frodo and Sam end-credits by Soni Alcorn-Hender: 10.5×7″, graphite.
Lithographs51 views

Sideshow Weta: the Rivendell Lithograph & Film Strip Collectible. The limited edition set, features a reproduction of Lee's original watercolor of Rivendell, and a piece of the actual film strip from Rivendell scenes in The Fellowship of the Ring, donated by Peter Jackson out of his personal collection. Individually numbered and personally hand-signed by Alan Lee, Richard Taylor and Peter Jackson. Total size is 29 x 29 inches.
The Fellowship of the Rings Collectors Edition Lithograph from Vanderstelt Studios. These limited edition and numbered lithographs are licensed by New Line Cinema, with the provision of a specifically requested hand-drawn remarque by Jerry Vanderstelt.
The Two Towers Collectors Edition Lithograph from Vanderstelt Studios. These limited edition and numbered lithographs are licensed by New Line Cinema, with the provision of a specifically requested hand-drawn remarque by Jerry Vanderstelt.
The Return of the King Collectors Edition Lithograph from Vanderstelt Studios. These limited edition and numbered lithographs are licensed by New Line Cinema, with the provision of a specifically requested hand-drawn remarque by Jerry Vanderstelt.
Though there were many ways to display this prodigious work of art, for ease of reference and enjoyment, it will be presented as artwork images (by title) with the bookcovers (images and details from http://www.tolkienbooks.net/ ) and some brief commentary.





1. Barad-dûr
1982 Oil on panel, image size 300 x 430 mm. Artwork commisioned for book cover, Unwin Hyman.35 views

Pencil drawing became the cover of six of the single volumes of The Lord of the Rings.11 views

3rd One Volume Edition 1983
Unicorn/Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland7 views

3rd One Volume Edition, 8th Impression 1987
Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland5 views

One Volume Edition 1988
Unwin Hyman
Hardback in dustwrapper
Cover illustration by Roger Garland7 views

3rd One Volume Edition, 12th Impression 1989, and
3rd One Volume Edition, 13th Impression 1990
Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland4 views

1991 Edition
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.9 views

2. Earendil and Elwing
Image of Elwing the White flying to meet Vingilótë as Eärendil comes home from patrolling the borders of Arda.
1987 oils on board, image size 280 x 430 mm. Artwork for 1989 Tolkien Calendar, Unwin Hyman.10 views

1st Paperback Edition 1988
Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland5 views

Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for the cover and June.
Features art by Roger Garland based on The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and The Book of Lost Tales .2 views

3. Fall of Gondolin
1987 oils on board, image size 230 x 430 mm. Artwork for the book cover of The Book of Lost Tales, Book 2, Unwin Hyman.
Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for March.16 views

1st Paperback Edition 1986
Unicorn/Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.6 views

1st Paperback Edition, 3rd Impression 1988, 1989, 1990
Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.1 view

4. Farmer Giles of Ham
1989 oils on board, image size 200 x 300mm. Artwork for the book cover of Farmer Giles of Ham, Unwin Hyman.5 views

Reset New Edition 1990, reprinted in 1991, 1993, 1994
Unwin Hyman
Cover and illustrated by Garland3 views

5. Gandalf
1983 oils on board, 250 mm x 320 mm. Artwork for the 1984 Tolkien Calendar, Unwin Hyman.
Depicts Gandalf the Grey relaxing in a mountain and brook scene, exuding cool colourings with a foreground focus of fiery irises. This painting has a medieval atmosphere in Tolkien-stylized imagery.12 views

6. Glaurung first of the dragons of Morgoth
1981 oils on board, image size 200 x 330 mm. Cover artwork for The Unfinished Tales Book 1, Unwin Hyman.13 views

1st Paperback Edition 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986
Unicorn/Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland7 views

1st Paperback Edition, 9th Impression 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991
Unwin Paperbacks, Grafton
Cover illustration by Roger Garland4 views

7. Gollum
1983 oils on board, image size 200 x 330 mm. Artwork for the 1984 Tolkien Calendar, Unwin Hyman.
Evoking an ethereal fantastical atmosphere of mountains, waterfall and hanging moon, reminiscent of Pauline Baynes’s cover-art for the 1960's paperback.12 views

8. Last Journey of Boromir
1991 oil on panel, image size 300 x 430 mm. Cover artwork for The Treason of Isengard, Unwin Hyman.4 views

1992 Edition
Cover illustration by Roger Garland3 views

1993 Edition, 1st Impression
Cover illustration by Roger Garland

9. Lord of the Nazgul, Battle of the Pellenor Fields
1983 oils on board. Artwork for the 1984 Tolkien Calendar, Unwin Hyman.13 views

10. Lúthien in the Woods of Neldoreth
1988 oils on board, image size 230 x 330 mm. Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for December.7 views

11. Melkor chained
1983 oils on board, image size 250 x 380 mm. Artwork for The 1984 Tolkien Calendar, Unwin Hyman.
Depiction of Melkor bound by the chain Angainor, with vast pits extending deep into earth…11 views

12. Hobbiton
This painting depicts the lush green landscape of Hobbiton and the Shire (with an unusual mountainous terrain) and a wonderful detailed image of Bag End and many other landmarks such as the gardens, bridge, mill etc
Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for May.24 views

13. Moria
Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for April.8 views

14. Pelargir
Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for September.3 views

15. Falls of Rauros
Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for July.2 views

16. Middle-earth
1987 oils and acrylics, image size 360 x 360 mm. Artwork for Collins Audio Cassette cover.5 views


17. Luthien in the Woods of Neldoreth 2
1987 oil on panel, image size 255 x 255 mm. Illustration for Poems and Songs of Middle-earth, Collins Audio Cassette, 1987.2 views

18. Baradur
1987 oil on panel, image size 255 x 255 mm. Illustration for The Lord of the Rings, Collins Audio Cassette, 1987.5 views

19. Beren and Luthien
1987 oil on panel, image size 255 x 255 mm. Illustration for Collins Audio Cassette, 1987.3 views

20. The Darkening of Valinor
1987 oil on panel, image size 255 x 255 mm. Illustration for The Silmarillion, Collins Audio Cassette, 1987.2 views

Christopher Tolkien And J.R.R. Tolkien – Of The Darkening Of Valinor And The Flight Of The Noldor.1 view

21. Minas Morgul, Tower of Sorcery

22. Minas Tirith

23. Return of the Shadow
1981 oils on board, image size 230 x 430 mm. Artwork for the book cover The Return of the Shadow, Unwin Hyman.
Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for February.2 views

1st Paperback Edition 1990
Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland3 views

24. Sauron Defeated (1)
1992 oils on board, image size 200 x 330 mm. Cover artwork unpublished, Unwin Hyman.8 views

25. Sauron Defeated (2)
1993 oils on board, image size 245 x 390 mm. Artwork for book cover, Unwin Hyman.8 views

1st Paperback Edition 1993, 1st Impression
Cover illustration by Roger Garland3 views

26. Shelob
1983 oils on board, image size 280 x 430 mm. Artwork for the book cover The 1984 Tolkien Calendar, Unwin Hyman.4 views

27. Smaug the Magnificent
1987 oils on board. Artwork for The Hobbit, Unwin Hyman.5 views

50th Anniversary Edition
4th Edition, 1987
Unwin Paperbacks
Illustrated by J.R.R. Tolkien
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.1 view

4th Edition, 22nd Impression 1988
Unwin Paperbacks
Illustrated by J.R.R. Tolkien
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.1 view

Reproduced in the 1988 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, published by Ballantine Books in 1987 for the cover and August.
The calendar features art by J.R.R. Tolkien, Roger Garland, John Howe and Ted Nasmith based on The Hobbit.1 view

28. Smaug
Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for October.3 views

29. The Bridge of Khazad-dum
1983 oils on board, image size 250 x 380 mm. Artwork for 1984 Tolkien Calendar, Unwin Hyman.2 views

30. The Tale of the Sun and trhe Moon
1981 oils on board. Cover artwork for the book cover Book of Lost Tales, Part 1, Unwin Hyman.1 view

1st Paperback Edition 1985, 1986
Unicorn/Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.1 view

1st Paperback Edition, 4th Impression 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990
Unwin Paperbacks
Grafton, 1991
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.

31. The Haven of Morriondë
1989 oils on board. Artwork for The Lost Road, Unwin Hyman Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for January.

1st Paperback Edition 1989
Unwin Paperbacks
1992 Edition, 1st Impression.
Cover illustration by Roger Garland

32. The Haven of the Swans
1982 oils on board, image size 200 x 300 mm. Artwork for the book cover The Silmarillion, Unwin Hyman.2 views

2nd Edition Unicorn/Unwin 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.

2nd Edition, Unwin 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Grafton 1991
Cover illustration by Roger Garland

33. The Shire
1987 oils on board, image size 200 x 300 mm. Cover artwork for The Lord of the Rings Box Set, Unwin Hyman.7 views

34. The Smith of Wootton Major
1989 oils on board, image size 200 x 300mm. Artwork for the book cover The Smith of Wootton Major, Unwin Hyman.

Reset Edition Unwin Hyman 1990, 1991
Grafton 1993
Harper Collins 1995
Illustrated by Roger Garland.

35. The War of the Ring
1991 oils on board. Artwork for a book cover, Unwin Hyman
The preliminary pencil drawing is located at:
https://www.lotrarts.com/artwork/paintings-drawings-lithographs2 views

The War Of The Rings, J R R Tolkien signed cover & drawing.
Image size: 230mm x 360mm pencil on paper. This preparatory drawing was submitted to Harper Collins and the Tolkien Estate for their comments prior to painting the finished artwork for publication. The drawing is in good condition considering this was a working drawing and constantly referred to as the painting was in progress. The original artwork has been published in many books and on art cards and is on permanent display at Lakeside Gallery, Tolkien Collection, Cornwall.
The drawing is signed, dated 1990 and is embossed with the Lakeside Gallery logo. The printers proof is signed and dated on the reverse by Roger and is included to confirm provenance.2 views

1st Paperback Edition 1992
Cover illustration by Roger Garland3 views

36. Thu as Wolf
1987 oils on board, image size 300 x 480 mm. Artwork for the book cover The Lays of Beleriand, Unwin Hyman
Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for November.

1st Paperback Edition 1987, 1989
Unwin Paperbacks
Grafton 1992
Cover illustration by Roger Garland

37. Tom Bombadil
1990 oils on board, image size 200 x 300 mm. Artwork for the book cover The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, Unwin Hyman.7 views

Reset New Edition 1990, 1993, 1995
Unwin Hyman, Grafton, HarperCollins
Illustrated by Roger Garland.

38. Old Man Willow
Reproduced in the 1989 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, Ballantine Books, for August.2 views

39. Two Trees of Valinor
Roger has depicted this scene in the spirit of Tolkien’s imagery. Laurelin the Golden (on left) bedecked with blossoms and Telperion (the Eldest of Trees) both standing majestically intermingling their lights to shine together, with the Pelóri, the Valar’s great mountain range, in the background. Interestingly, apart from the massiveness of these trees, Roger has also added, to emphasise their ‘ancientness’, a Stonehenge-type ring.
1982 oil on panel, image size 255 x 280 mm. Artwork for the 1984 Tolkien Calendar, Unwin Hyman.2 views

40. Ulmo
This painting depicts the King of the Sea (The Lord of the Waters, Dweller of the Deep). He lives in the deeps under Ambar where he composes his music and governs all waters, bays and rivers. Here, appearing in majesty over Tuor.
1983 oils on board. Artwork commissioned for the 1984 Tolkien Calendar, Unwin Hyman.4 views

41. Tolkien Landscape
1983 oil on panel, image size 300 x 1080 mm. Artwork was commissioned for the trilogy book cover, Unwin Hyman, 1986.
The original oil painting is on permanent exhibition at Lakeside Gallery.11 views

Pencil drawing
This highly detailed proprietary drawing in pencil on paper is in three sections which can be presented as a long landscape (H27cm x L 107 cm). The drawing is surrounded by annotations by the artist communicating colours and reference. The drawing came with three signed covers to confirm provenance. This drawing is located in the collection of LOTRArts.com.9 views

Book covers
The Fellowship of the Ring
Reissued Edition 1986, 1987, 1988, 19894 views

Unicorn/Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.
The Two Towers
Reissued Edition 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989
Unicorn/Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.1 view

The Return of the King
Reissued Edition 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989
Unicorn/Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland.2 views

Reissued Edition 1986 & 1988
Unicorn/Unwin Paperbacks.
Paperbacks. Issued in a slipcase.
Slipcase illustrations by Roger Garland.1 view

The Tolkien Box Set
Modern Classics from the Master of Fantasy.
Unwin Paperbacks.
Paperbacks. Issued in a box.
Slipcase illustration by Roger Garland.1 view

42. Smith of Wotton Major
1987 oils on board. Artwork for a book cover, Unwin Hyman.3 views

1st Edition 1997
Hardback in dustwrapper
Cover illustration by Roger Garland2 views

43. The Brandywine River

1st Paperback Edition 1990
Unwin Paperbacks
Cover illustration by Roger Garland2 views

44. Middle-earth
Copper etching, 1989, image size 120 x 100 mm.4 views

45. The End of the chase Farmer Giles of Ham
Copper etching, 1989, image size 140 x 200 mm.5 views

46. The King’s Arrival from Farmer Giles of Ham
Copper etching, 1989, image size 75 x 274 mm.3 views

47. Luthlien
Copper etching, 1989, image size 120 x 100 mm.1 view

48. Croga, Salmon of Knowledge
Copper etching, 1999, image size 120 x 160 mm.2 views

49. The watchers
Copper etching, 1989, image size 100 x 120 mm.7 views